Tiles & Finials

We keep a large range of reclaimed clay roof tiles in stock. We source our tiles from demolition jobs and private sales through our yard. We sort through all of our stock to make sure that our customers only get quality tiles. We can help you match roof tiles if you are trying to replace exisiting tiles or enlarge an existing roof. Please bring a sample to our yard or email us a picture with a good description and our friendly and knowledgable staff will be happy to help.

Kent Peg Tiles  

Hand Made Nibs  

Machine Made Nibs  

Victorian Quarry Tiles  

Clay Hanging Peg Tiles 

We have too many variations of the above tiles to list here, so please contact us to find out if we have your tile in stock or we can match it for you. 


The Finial is an architectural device, typically carved in stone and employed to decoratively emphasize the apex of a gable, or any of various distinctive ornaments at the top, end, or corner of a building or structure.

We always have a fine selection of reclaimed Finials in stock.

Slate Tiles

Slate is a fine-grained, foliated, homogeneous, metamorphic rock derived from an original shale-type sedimentary rock composed of clay or volcanic ash through low grade regional metamorphism.

The result is a foliated rock in which the foliation may not correspond to the original sedimentary layering.

Several different sizes of Slate Roof Tiles in stock mainly from quarries in Cornwall, Wales and Cumbria.

Slate comes in differing colours such as the traditional black and purple as well as blue and green, we try to keep a good stock of all variations.




Clearaway Reclamation : Lindow Lea Farm, Maidstone Road : Five Oak Green : Tonbridge : Kent : TN12 6SD

Tel. 01892 832 896 : Fax. 01892 838 485